Sunday, 17 June 2012

Still Alive!

It's been quite a few months since I updated the TF blog, but here's an update on what has been going on! Due to "King Evil 2" comic being produced, and the pencil work on "McReptile" comic, Total Fear has been on the back burner. Has there been zero Total Fear activity? Not so!

Since Feb 2012, there has been a HUGE Total Fear graphic novel being drawn, called "Baphomet's Stolen Star". This is a full-scale adventure, with less emphasis on comedy and more like the 1970s weird/horror/adventure from "Eerie" or "Metal Hurlant". "Stolen Star" should be of interest to anyone who enjoys epic SF or fantasy comics...Look out for it in 2013...

Finally, "Total Fear" will return sometime this year with a new series of tales - Featuring Duke, Zooma, Coyo, Lucy and a host of other characters in an adventure to find the "Temple of Divine Ascension"...Stay tuned!

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